Summer Fun and Entertainment
- 8 years ago
- Entertainment, News, restaurants, Shops
- by Dos Lagos

Throughout the year, The Shops at Dos Lagos caters to our customers through live events with no cost of admission. From our Easter Egg Hunt, Mother’s Day Fashion Show, Father’s Day Car Show, Summer Concert’s, Halloween Maze, Santa Snow Day, and so much more. This summer, we had the pleasure, of once again hosting our summer concerts. From our Michael Jackson Tribute, to Journey Tribute bands, we were able to pull together the best tribute bands to create a stunning show for all of our attendee’s.
Each year, we grow bigger and bigger, constantly looking for ways to out-do ourselves, and thanks to our patrons, we are able to continue the trend of phenomenal summer concerts, and all around events. Join us again this time next year where we will have yet another series of concerts for your enjoyment.
Dos Lagos
"Your Shopping, Dining, & Entertainment Oasis."